Americans - you have been given nearly 7 years to repent and come to the Lord, to come out of the False churches and follow Christ directly. You have been chastised with drought and flood and heat and snow. Still you bow down before False idols and images made of wood or stone or glass. You pray in the False name of "Jesus" over Yeshua and you refuse to accept him as he has returned "RayEl" which the bible TOLD you he would return with. You clung to the False teachings of Paul who was not a True apostle over Christ's teachings. You are all selfish, prideful, boastful, arrogant, haughty and full of hubris. You look down upon the poor man so you can fill your greedy pockets and houses. You take the Lord's name in vain and try to curse people to the fires of hell. YOU are a wicked nation! You were given warnings time and time again, messenger upon messenger sent to you all in hopes of turning you back to God and to the ways of Truth and righteousness. Yet you CLING to the ways of Satan. America, Babylon, you will fall just as foretold 2,000 years ago and you will NEVER rise again. Your people will burn for their transgressions against the Heavens and mankind. Your children will be forgotten, your old men will die and young men swallowed up. You have forgotten the Law of your God and so too has he forgotten you!

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