Chris Therrien first alerted Victoria and I to this. I am taking into consideration the fact that we know how Prophecy can be fulfilled in multiple ways.. often times more than once, I bring this to the attention of everyone. Most historians believe that this 70 week prophecy was already fulfilled by Yeshua. That being said, this January Represents 70 years after Israel became a nation again. Read this article and its reference to Daniel 9:24-27. This coming meeting is the end of the alloted time for the Jews to finish their transgression and annoint The Most Holy, Lord RayEl, as their King. Because they have not done so, I believe that Daniel 9: 24-27 ties into Psalm 83 written by King David and Zechariah 14 also with Revelation 16 with regards to the Battle of Armageddon. Multiple prophecies written hundeds, even thousands, of years apart from each other, are now going to be fulfilled in ONE EVENT that is getting less attention that it truly deserves. 15th of January 2017 is a day that will NEVER be forgotten! I believe this coming event is bigger than we imagine and it truly needs to be paid attention to, it is a day that could have been avoided if they would have Ushered him in peacefully, that time has passed. Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure';

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